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"A dedicated and dynamic professional", Graeme has worked in many areas of corporate communications and Sales & Marketing...
After a near death experience in 1995 resulting in Maxillo-facial surgery & complete memory loss, as well as a few broken bones, Graeme travelled to West Africa to seek the help and assistance of Gran-Master Tomas Camara.
After months of Drum Meditation and upon returning from Africa, Graeme had a great feeling of RE-BIRTH and inspiration..and he donated his recent inheritance to build a home for Tomas & family and Djembe Training Centre in The Gambia. "A l l a L e a k e K u n d a"
Graeme puts participants in touch with The ROOTS of modern music with an energetic combination of ROOTS rhythm and his narrative and educational workshop guidance. Since 1999 Graeme has been demonstrating in Schools, Colleges, Workplaces and Community how his incredible system of Djembe Drumming promotes Health & Well Being. In addition, he is known across the UK for his teaching, playing and dedication to the Djembe, since 1999 in the UK and Europe - teaching an easy and fun way to begin mastering the Djembe.
Graeme specializes in providing Djembe Tuition and Resources; Drumming and Yoga Holidays in Europe + Interactive Drumming Experiences, 'Break-Out' and Team building Sessions and has worked with clients such as; Vodafone, Heinz, Catapillar, Unilever, Lloyds TSB and Nat West.
In Sardinia, Since 2003, Graeme & Anna Goodwin have been providing Drumming & Yoga Retreat style holidays - Highly Effective Djembe instruction with daily Yoga making for a UNIQUE, INSPIRING and Unforgettable experience...
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